
Psalm 143:5

As we prepare to leave FL tomorrow...just some of the many things always want to remember about our time with Crossroads Baptist Church...

Visiting the first grade class that presented us with sweet gifts...

Bonding with the other missionaries and the guest preacher and his family...

Final party at the Thompson's...

and time with our girls.

This is our favorite memory... Every night (regardless of when we got back to the hotel) as we took the elevator up to the fifth floor, Natalia would get really happy. As soon as the elevator would open she would sprint to our room giggling the whole time -

Thank you Lord for CrossRoads Baptist Church

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all you guys pics! Wish I could be there with you guys! Miss you all so much! Give the girlies a kiss for me! <3 you all! :)