
Philippians 4:9

Lessons along the way…

One of our prayers from the start of deputation has been that we would not miss the lessons that God is trying to teach us throughout this process.

Michael and I have been involved in the Jr. High ministry for around four years. Michael was the Jr. High pastor and I led the Teen Choir. We absolutely loved the students and the ministry and counted it a privilege to serve them.

Honestly, the hardest part of deputation so far has been letting go of something we loved so much.

Handing over leadership is not easy. No one said it would be easy. It surely is not. This past Sunday I began to realize that the teen ministry has gone on just fine without us leading it. The students are still growing without my husband being the one behind the pulpit. The teen choir is still singing...without me directing it…

Recently, a friend asked me if it was hard handing over the leadership of the choir. I did not hesitate to answer, “Yes.” Part of me still wishes I was directing the choir and Michael still pastoring. However the more I thought about it, I realized that God has called Michael and me to plant churches in Italy with the philosophy of handing them over to the nationals. What a thrill to know that God is preparing us today for Italy by training us to be able to step back and let others lead!

I am glad that God is using situations like the one with the Jr. High to train us for our future ministry in Italy. Oh, and I am glad we did not miss this lesson along the way…


Matthew 12:46-49

This week we are at Grace Baptist Church in Miami, FL. This is an exciting church that just four years ago were running 45 people and now have over 700 people on a Sunday morning! The pastor is an exciting man of God that is really being used of the Lord in this city.

Grace’s missions conference begins with a Saturday festival with the missionaries dressing up like the country they are going to minister to.

The church also had little stations representing different countries. Each display had food, music and people dressed like those in the particular country. Many were really creative and visiting each station made for great fun and a full stomach.

Saturday was also my birthday. My birthday is really is not a big deal, however while driving to the church that day the thought came to my mind that I wish I was home spending the day with family and friends. I mean, spending the day in a car driving five hours to this meeting was not the ideal birthday.

We soon got to the church and began meeting people during the festival. The diverse church is so friendly and we quickly bonded with them and the other missionaries at the conference. At one point I was reminded that it was my birthday and immediately God brought to mind my previous thoughts as well as the passage Matthew 12:46-49. Earlier in the day I wished I spent the day with family and friends. Now I stretch forth my hand and say...

“...Behold my mother and my brethren!”