
Una bambina?

Arianna or Mirabella (Mira for short) or Isabella?

Erika and I are having a hard time deciding which name we would like to name our new baby! Oh, did I mention Erika is pregnant? Well she is!

Knowing that God wants to bless us with another girl we have been trying to think of a name for (her). Does anyone care to cast their vote?

After you cast your vote by leaving a comment I have one more request. If you think of it, please pray for us. As excited as we are about Erika being with child, this blessing also provides new challenges on the deputation trail. Pray for the baby to be healthy, Erika to be stress free and her to have the strength required for the demands of deputation.

OK - so leave a comment with your vote - Arianna / Mirabella / or Isabella

If we choose the name you pick, you win a brand new ipod. OK, not really.


An Unexpected Blessing

It is so amazing when God does something so incredible that only He could get the credit. This week we got to experience this!

We stopped by the Honda dealership to get a routine oil change. This has become pretty “routine” for us being that we drive 3000 miles pretty quickly these days.

The Honda guy...Dustin (why I remember that I do not know), came out and said that our tires had no tread on them and looked like NASCAR tires. He stated he was uncomfortable with us driving the car because they were so bald. So, reluctantly I charged new tires for the van, not knowing where the money was going to come from. I hate spending money like that.

Two days later I looked at our financial report and saw almost the exact amount of the tires was given to us by supporters of ours. Crystal and Kevin Elworth (who by the way are missionaries to Mexico) had told us that they were sending us “a little extra this month.” The amount could hardly be considered “little.”

This couple is a huge help, encouragement, and example to us of what missionaries should be. They just redid their website and it is worth checking out! www.sakeofthecall.org

Thank you Kevin and Crystal. Thank you for being used of God to supply a huge need. And thank you for teaching us that missionaries should be givers.


Southwest Baptist Church

One day I was checking my email - something I do every now and again - and received an email from someone who found our website. He stated that he was impressed with our ministry and would talk to his brother about getting us into his church. Shortly there after his brother Pastor Greg Davis contacted me inviting us to his annual missions conference at Southwest Baptist Church.

The theme of the conference was “Jesus for Every Nation”

There were missionaries represented from Rock of Ages prison ministry, Ecuador, Italy and Kenya. It is always a blessing to hear each missionary present their DVD and speak from their heart about the field they were called to.

The thought came to mind during one of the presentations that there has been so much talk leading up to the elections and afterward about God’s future blessings on America - but it was great to be reminded that God is not just an American God - He did not die for “...one nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.” - John 11:52


Pine Grove Baptist Church

Our time at Pine Grove was a blessing on many fronts. When we arrived, Erika and I grabbed a conference brochure and started flipping through it. Immediately we got excited when we saw that missionary friends of ours were going to be at the conference with us. It got even better when we met another couple from Canton Baptist who we connected with like we were old friends! The entire week was a wonderful time fellowshipping with Brad and Trisha Henderson and Jon and April Flowers.

For my birthday Erika arranged for us guys to go into downtown Atlanta for a day of fun. Erika went out with Trisha and April for some window shopping and lunch at the "famous" Truett's!

It was a blessing to minister with these other young missionary couples and to be encouraged that God continues to send forth His people around the world. Both the Hendersons and Flowers will be on their fields in a few short months. We wish we could spend more time with these friends...and will have our wish granted - in eternity.