
Psalm 144:12

A post by Ellia and Natalia:

There is not much we understand about what our family is doing these days...all we know is Mommy and Papa call it “deputation.”

This process has left us so confused. For example...

Why is every church we visit is called FIRST Baptist Church...can they really all be first? I thought our home church was the first! Don’t they have to share? We don’t understand!

Why does Mommy and Papa hand everybody 4x6 cards with our pictures on them?

Why are we in our car-seats for upwards to 12 hours at a time...although Mommy does frequently hand us paper, crayons, juice, books, pretzels to keep us happy.

Why do we sleep in new places all the time?


Why doesn't the nursery take love offerings for us?

We don’t understand much. What we do understand though is that our job is to look cute...and we are good at it!


Janice said...

So very true that they do their jobs so well!

And they nursery does take love offerings for them...though they are more commonly known as colds, runny noses and ear infections!

You have beautiful girls, and they are certainly a testament to you both! But to be clear, the cuteness is mostly from Erika!! :)

Victoria said...

Praise the Lord for Missionary Kids! Actually, I recently heard a missionary say his children were NOT Missionary KIDS - they are MISSIONARIES!! So true!

Anonymous said...

Missionary Kids Rule!

Linda said...

Dear Michael and Erika, Yes,it's true,these girls do a great job at being cute. Love, Nana