
I John 5:14

What a blessing! The Lord really burdened my heart on Friday to spend the day in prayer. I spent the day praying as though everything depended on God. I prayed that He would continue to provide for the upcoming trip to San Francisco, that He would open up doors for meetings and that He would show His mighty hand in our deputation. Oh that this deputation would not be about me making thousands of calls to churches, trying to set up meetings to no avail! Rather, we want this deputation to be about Him and His glory!
A little while after praying, I had an opportunity to look at the computer – I had two e-mails. The first email was from some one saying he thought that he would be able to find a place for me to stay free of charge while in San Francisco. What a God! The next e-mail was one that stated they think they can line up a few meetings for me when I am in San Francisco! What a direct answer to prayer!
Each day our faith increases as God is showing us that He is in control, and that as long as we utterly depend on Him – “God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” – Hudson Taylor

What a mighty God we serve!


Matthew 7:7-11

Our prayer has been that our Road to Italy would be a work of God and not a work of man. We humbly acknowledge that task we have been called to is too big for us and without Him we can do nothing.

Startup costs are expensive. Prayer cards, brochures, letterhead, missionary table, mailings, the list just goes on. Startup costs are expensive! On top of that, I really want to visit a missionary to Italy while he is in the states and the best time for me would be when he is in San Francisco. Flights to San Francisco are well...yeah...expensive.

We have really made it my prayer lately that God would provide for these things and show Himself strong on our behalf. Just the other day I was in a conversation with a brother in Christ regarding him joining a ministry when out of the blue he states that he has a ton of frequent flyer miles and was "just wondering" if I wanted a free flight anywhere. When God is in it, flights to San Francisco can be...well…free!

This may seem little to others, but was a great reminder to me that God desires for us to be in Italy and is going to provide! Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of Lights with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning!


Jeremiah 18:1-6

With great zeal we began making calls last week while trying to plan out the best way to go about raising support. We have worked hard to get all our materials together, and felt that we were in good shape to start our pre-field ministry. That same week our daughter Natalia (17 months) had a horrible incident in which she began having a seizure, fell to the ground and hit her head on our tile floor. Our little one followed this with two additional seizures the next day. Natalia has had other scary seizures before and each time we go through this God teaches us a lesson.

The illustrations that come with the potter and the wheel seem appropriate here. We are just clay that needs to be spun, pressed, tossed, formed and molded to be beautiful. Michael and I are realizing more and more each day how God is the Potter and is in complete control of His children. It is humbling to realize how completely helpless we are and how Almighty, All-powerful and magnificent Christ is.

Natalia had an CT and the tests came back negative. That is a fancy way of saying we still do not have answers as to what has caused her repeated seizures. The Lord knows and is in complete control. What a great thought to acknowledge that He is Sovereign and makes no mistakes.

Natalia's EEG


Romans 8:29

We are in the beginning stages of our pre-field ministry and decided to chronicle the “Road to Italy” through this blog. We have called our deputation this because we believe this is a necessary step in getting to Italy and we are excited about the training we will receive as we begin this learning process. This blog will be used to share the challenges and blessings of deputation. With anticipation, we trust that the Lord will use this time to demonstrate His glory as well as try and test us.

We are trusting God to refine us and make us more conformed to His image through it. We covet your prayers as we begin this journey that God has called us to. Please pray for God to be glorified in and through us.