
Care Packages!

Upon arrival at the last three Missions Conferences from Connecticut to Missouri, we have been pleasantly greeted by a care package! There is nothing better than showing up to a church after a long trip in the van, to be welcomed by a hug from home, in a box.

The sweet friends in my prayer group back at home have been so thoughtful as to put packages together knowing that we were embarking on our longest road trip yet. Then just yesterday a large box was admired by other missionaries as we were seated for a conference dinner. I will admit that my family is blessed to have the best Team and friends from our sending church!

Last night we let our excited girls open the most recent package that came here in Missouri for Natalia and Ellia. This box came from their Aunt Katelyn who filled it to the brim with Dora bandages and backpacks, stickers, a First Book of Italian Words, Wall-e blanket, coloring books, lollipops and even gum! The girls were beyond ecstatic opening everything!

I share all this first to show how much we appreciate all of our friends who love us and have taken the time and thought to put a package together for our family. We will never forget such thoughtfulness. And for those of you who may not know us well, I want to share the joys of having such a great church family! We are so blessed!


Anonymous said...

your girls are the cutest things on earth =)

Anonymous said...

that's awesome Michael...Tumia's get things done! enjoyed the video...good to hear everything is goin well...coninuing to pray for u brotha!

p.s. i can tell u were like...ok talia, get to the wall-e stuff already!! lol.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Glad they enjoyed that!! so fun! I loved when Natalia said...OH Cwayns!! (Crayons!) haha!