Each night there is a "meet the missionary" time where many people from the church have come to ask questions and hear our heart for Italy. Last night Ellia stole the show by waving to everyone during the presentation and making cute noises by strumming her finger to her lips.
This is a praying church as well. Each night after the service the Pastor has asked the missionaries to kneel at the altar while church members come lay hands on us and pray.
This church also is very giving. On Sunday they had the missionary wives come up and they honored them. Each wife was handed a $200. gift card for their own spending. Monday night they brought up missionary children! Each was given a special treat of a Wal-Mart gift card to buy toys! The Missions Pastor Jim Osborne (Uncle Jim) has really taken to Ellia and been so sweet to her.
This is such a wonderful conference! Both Erika and I are looking forward to what God has in store for the next two days!
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