Maybe it is fun sorting through all the ads, junk mail and silliness looking for the treasure.
It usually goes something like this...
- Chase credit card application for Erika Barone
- PartyLite invitation for Erika (From someone she does not really know)
- RG&E bill
- Pampered Chef invitation for Erika
- Chase credit card application for Michael Barone
- Mary Kay party invitation for Erika (From someone she does not really know)
- Treasure!
Sometimes a book arrives that I ordered. Other times an encouraging note.
Today this came!

Do you have a book started for things such as this? Maybe you should let Erika go to the next scrapbooking party... just to help you out!
Great idea Jan! It will only take a few days before we get a postcard in the mail inviting Erika to a scrapbook party! I will let her go!
I'm so happy for your family and all this excitment! Erika said that ya'll might be in my town sometime! Very exciting!!
And btw,these days,I know that feeling of looking for the post man!...I love to see if there are any treasure letters from a certain someone;)
& Yesterday I got my pass port treasure! Yay!
Savannah -
When we get down your way we will have to get together!
Great to hear that you got your passport! April or June? I think is great! Stay in touch!
If you don't go to the parties, those invites stop coming.
If you keep going to those churches, the support will keep on coming.
If you continue going to God, the blessings will keep on showering down upon you.
Happy for you!
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