After last nights meeting at Emmanuel Baptist Church, we had today free.
So to our surprise, Michael decided to take us to Hershey's Chocolate World. The girls absolutely loved it! Natalia kept asking for "More rides please." For the simple reason that its a joy to make her smile, I think we ended up taking her and Ellia on the "Chocolate Factory" ride at least four times.
It was such a fun place to go as a family. Even Ellia enjoyed looking at everything.
When we went to the sweet shoppe, Michael knew he was in trouble. He allowed Natalia and I to shop for chocolate. Natalia is her mama's girl as you will see in this video. We share a love for sweets.
Michael was "sweet" when it was time to check out and there were a few extra chocolate items to purchase. Who could leave without buying some candy?
All happily full of sugar, we headed back to the hotel where Michael had fun jumping on the bed with Natalia. The girls had trouble unwinding from such a fun day! Michael and I sang to the girls and they finally drifted off.
I am thankful that deputation does not have to be a grueling process, but rather a wonderful time with family serving the Lord.
Did the basket empty each time because it was purchased? And if not... who did the re-shop! What a great time!
Good job on the video editing... do you use mac products??! And was that a video... on a phone?!? WOW!
Thanks for sharing! We love you guys, and hope PA will be VERY PROFITABLE!!! Rack up them miles... that's what I say!
How cute was that...
I just want to say thank you for not including the video of Michael helping sing to help the girls go to sleep.
what a great way to start my day! I bet the whole store was in love with her by the time you guys were done!
However let me just point out that you are not teaching the kid properly. Maybe you guys are just young parents.
Here is the thing, when a chocolate or other desert type food item does not fit in the cart, you do not put it back on the shelf. Get another cart, get help, cram it in.
Good thing Daddy’s fat friend Rik will be just a phone call away to help with these little life skills.
lifeskillsthatmatter is so right and Natalia is SO smart!
I, personally, would've loved video of singing the kids to sleep! HOW SWEET!!! (ok, excuse the pun!)
Glad deputation is going well and the memories are happy ones!
Victoria has obviously not heard Mike sing yet...(just kiddin)
Cute of course! I too thought it was interesting that the basket kept emptying itself. Those are some sneaky tricks you got up your sleeves.
Tell the girls we said hello!
That is so cute! I love her!! I am` so sad I didn't know about this blog sooner...or did I and I forgot:p Either way I am so happy that you guys are having such a great time serving the Lord:)
WOW! What can I say... that is one very cute girl! HAHA! and yes I'm sure after all that shopping, you did have to put (most) of the candies back! I bet Natalia would've loved to sit there and open up each bag... and I'm sure you guys would have loved bed time even more! Well I'm very glad your trip went well! Always praying for you guys! Luv ya all! Give the girlies a kiss for me! :)
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