
When God is in it...

I am sure that any missionary who has traveled down deputation trail would mark the loathsome task of persuading pastors to schedule you to speak at their churches as one of the greatest nuisances known to man. Although most are extremely gracious and understanding, pastors are often apprehensive to hand out pulpit time. An impressive sales-pitch is often necessary before most will consider allowing you the privilege of a meeting, not to mention financial support. Consequently, we have been rather astonished over the past few weeks as several pastors have gone out of their way to contact us!

The first two pastors called to inform us that their churches would begin sending us financial support. Considering that close to a year had passed since we had visited either church, it was very unlikely that this would happen, making us all the more delighted to find that they were taking us on!

The third pastor had an even more surprising story. A member of his church had a burden for the people of Italy and was looking online for missionaries there. He came across our website and sent a link to the pastor. The pastor, liking what he saw, called and invited us to come and present our ministry to his congregation!

Through both the ups and downs of deputation God has faithfully shown us His ability to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Out of the ordinary events like these serve as little reminders to us that God is in control. We are simply vessels that He has chosen to use in order to accomplish His purposes. It is His glorious gospel that we desire to preach in Italy, and it is great to be reminded that only His providing hand will ever get us there.


Anonymous said...

exciting news! and kudos to the Team Italy Design team for their great work on the site.

Anonymous said...

Great site! who created it? i'm looking for a web designer for my new website

Michael & Erika Barone said...

My design team members - you can check them out at http://www.gospeltoitaly.com/TeamItaly.asp