Over a year into deputation - and we continue to have new church experiences.
Yesterday we were at Gateway Baptist Church. Michael presented our ministry and then entertained questions! That is when the fun began. The church was the most inquisitive church we have encountered so the question and answer time lasted the longest we have ever experienced!
It is really the anticipation and suspense of not having any idea what you are about to be asked, in front of a crowd, that makes this stressful. The people asked all kinds of questions about our ministry, who we are, and what we believe.
Some of the questions Michael was asked include:
On which day of the year did Mary give birth to Christ?
Does the earth rotate around the sun or does the sun rotate around the earth? After responding that the earth revolves around the sun, it was quickly explained to him how he was mistaken and how he has adopted a modern day lie!
Although I questioned the relevance and importance of some of these questions, the pastor did ask a very important question of a potential missionary - “What is the gospel?”
I am surprised that up to this point, we have never been asked this. There are so many interpretations and false gospel presentations - it was a great question to have us clarify.
This was a nice little church with a great spirit. We are glad the Lord open the door for us to visit with them.