Yesterday we were at a rapidly growing church called Oasis Baptist Church. They are currently meeting in an unfinished new facility (that will become relevant in a minute).
Michael got up and spoke about our ministry to Italy. Then he introduced the video. The video started and as the introduction of the video was nearing an end....
BOOM! Lights out. Pitch black in the church. No power. All you heard was the sound of the fans turning off. Then...moments later. The lights came back on! Fans turned back on. Everything was back on - well, except the projector playing the DVD. That took some time to start and then warm back up! Like ten minutes. An awkward ten minutes.
Some well-meaning member thought it would be good to kill the lights so people could see the DVD better. There was one problem with that. All the electrical power is currently connected to one switch while they are building their new church! That well-meaning member - used that switch.
Other than that...the night was great! Pastor Neal seemed to really take to us. We are excited for this church's future and their willingness to have us in!
how funny... "what does this button do?"
Hope you're enjoying your travels!
Travels just got a little better!
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