An incredible story was reported by Italian newspaper reported this week. Reports say two girls were swimming at the beach near
Naples when they got caught up in fierce waves. These young girls screamed for help for sometime and no onlookers ever came to their rescue. By the time lifeguards arrived on the scene, it was too late for these two young ones. They died at age twelve and thirteen.
The horror does not end there. As the bodies of these two young girls lay dead on the beach, photos show people continued to sunbath just meters away from where their dead bodies laid only partial covered. These photos from the scene show absolutely no concern on the faces of sunbathers for the loss of life that just occurred.
While reading this story, I was reminded of the absolute indifference many Italians have to human life and concern for their souls. With death just meters away, they were unmoved by this tragic loss of life.
As much as this probably disgusts us (and should) I wonder if we are all not guilty of the same thing. I wonder how many times people scream to us for help, but those cries go largely ignored. More importantly, lives are perishing all around us while we soak up the sun this summer.
I heard about this - so very sad and unbelievable! Thank you for opening up my eyes to my own callousness as well!
wow...what you said is so true...thank you for the very vivid reminder of what my mission on this earth is and my prayer is that my eyes and ears would be open to everyone around me, that I would see and hear them the way Christ does. thank you.
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