We were making great time the other day until we hit the Canadian border...then things slowed down “a bit”
We arrived at the border around 1:30 - making great time...
1:48: We had not really moved as you can see. I remembered that I am to have patience with joy.
1:56: Oh...progress!! But Erika is starting to get nauseated from being on the bridge.
2:05: I remembered that I am to let patience have her perfect work, that I may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.
2:23: At this point I am reminding myself that patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit.
2:40ish: I am aware that I need to work more on being filled with the Spirit.
We recently experienced the same trying of our patience. What normally is a 5 hour trip to the in-laws took us 7 hours because of traffic. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. Jocelyn had to go potty in the middle of it all so we actually had to pull between two orange cones in the construction to let her go! Craziness.
We know at least one good thing which comes from Canada - Tim Horton's!
Don't listen to anyone who tells you the Canadian route is quicker! We tried several times during the first year we lived here (in the Detroit area), and each time our wait at the border was anywhere from 1 1/2 - 3 hrs. long...not cool! Stick to the US route. The tolls are higher, but you don't have to worry about borders. It's a much prettier drive too!
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