
2 Kings 18:4

Today started off well. I made some phone calls to pastors and even booked a meeting. Good times. 

After that, the plan was to go out and run a few errands. When I got in my van I noticed that the glove compartment had been emptied on the floor and that the van was a disaster. I have two little girls, so my first impression was that Natalia had been playing in the car. 

Then I started to notice that things were missing. 

Our GPS. 
Both my eyeglasses and sunglasses. 
All the coins out of the change holder. 
A bunch of love-offering checks recently received. 

I am slow...but by then I figured out that someone had stolen the items out of my car during the night.  

It is just stuff...I remember Pastor Jay folk preaching a message on 2 Kings 18:4 and the word "Nehushtan." The people were worshipping and burning incense to a piece of brass. Hezekiah broke the brasen serpent and called it "Nehushtan" which literally means "a piece of brass."
Pastor Folk made the application - All stuff is just that...stuff. No sense worshipping it. Why would you worship a piece of brass?! That was the point of the message. 

I guess I can say..."Nehushtan." Praise the Lord, our family is unharmed - all we lost is stuff. 


Romans 5:3-4

I hear that traveling through Canada is the fastest way to and from Detroit. That is what I hear.

We were making great time the other day until we hit the Canadian border...then things slowed down “a bit”

We arrived at the border around 1:30 - making great time...

1:48: We had not really moved as you can see. I remembered that I am to have patience with joy.

1:56: Oh...progress!! But Erika is starting to get nauseated from being on the bridge.

2:05: I remembered that I am to let patience have her perfect work, that I may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.

2:23: At this point I am reminding myself that patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit.

2:40ish: I am aware that I need to work more on being filled with the Spirit.


Psalm 118:24

Another surprise! And a pleasant one at that! We just had a great meeting here at Calvary Baptist Church located in a suburb of Detroit, MI.

It is neat to see how God’s will unfolds in our lives each day. He brought us to this neat church where the Pastor and his wife are former seasoned missionaries to Costa Rica. Michael and I both agreed that we wish we had a week to sit and learn from these veteran missionaries.

Michael was fresh and exciting tonight as he preached. Actually, the Pastor regularly attends Sword of the Lord conferences and he told his church tonight that Michael preached one of the best soul-winning messages he had ever heard. Preach it, honey!

Just as an extra special treat, after church some sweet ladies from church made a quick trip to the store and brought back a few bags full of treats for the girls! We have just met some extremely thoughtful people!

One more blessing...when we got back to the hotel - we had an email from Calvary Baptist Church stating they were going to take us on for monthly support! What a great night!


Psalm 127:5

This just in...

My girls are cute.


I Corinthians 12:27

Our Family is Growing!

And no, I am not pregnant. What I mean is that our family of friends is growing.

It would seem like friendships could not possibly develop when you travel as much as we do. But God has given us amazing friends, some of whom we have been able to see several times - and it is so special for us and of course, for our girls.

Just to highlight a few of the recent fun moments...God gave us time with the Taylors in NYC recently...so much fun!

...the Makri’s and Tina in NJ...our second family

...and the Hardin’s who we stayed with on our first trip to Missouri. Michael and Jared laughed 90% of the time they were together! I had so much fun bonding with Shelly.

We have made so many fantastic friends during our nine months of traveling. It is so refreshing to fellowship with the body of Christ, be encouraged, have fun, and create new memories.


Matthew 13:44

So many of the churches we visit are a blessing. First Bible Baptist Church in Blue Springs, Missouri is one of those churches!

The conference started Friday night with a missions banquet - Bobby Bonner preached.

Saturday they surprised all the missionaries and took us shopping.

Amongst other things I picked up a backup drive for my computer. A friend of mine failed to back up his computer once and it caused a lot of problems for him. I did not want that to happen to me. Erika picked up some new clothes for herself. Of course the girls were showered with gifts as well.

The following is a video capturing the silliness.