- Michael was unusually nervous because he was going to be presenting in front of his favorite preacher - Dr. James McGaughey of Charity Baptist Church.
- Natalia whined the WHOLE day as we got ready and drove to the church.
- Ellia decided this was perfect timing to cut a tooth and cry at the top of her lungs nonstop.
None of these are a blessing when you are trying to get prayed up for a meeting!
- When we arrived to the church, we learned they did not have a projector to play our DVD.
- To top it all off, Michael did not bring notes for a message to replace the DVD time.
In our minds - this was not going to be a good meeting.
Sometimes though, God has to remind us that when we are weak, He is strong! This was one of those times! Michael and I prayed before the meeting and begged God to overcome the day and ourselves and do something special. He answered our prayer!
This meeting was one of our best yet! Michael got up and presented our ministry and then preached a powerful message (again...without any notes).
People's hearts were touched and the altar was full.
Once, again, God took a situation that looked bleak and turned it around to be another proof that we can trust Him. He is at work when we are not always seeing it. He just wants all the glory! That you Lord! We are encouraged once again!
Great lesson! Fun to see the Lord do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think...
Praise the LORD! Your walk of faith is an encouragement to me!
so what was the message about?
Just something I downloaded off the Internet!
OK - seriously...it was about how to tell if you have a true burden for the lost. Certain evidences that if you do not have then you do not have as much of a burden as you think.
So are the lost you are referring to those that don't have a GPS? Because if it is, we are really going to need you to preach your message to us when we see you next!
You can use notes if you want, though!
When we are weak He is strong! Amen! Glad ya'll had a good service after all!! Praying for ya'll:)
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