I think about the daunting task of deputation ahead of us. I listen to my husband make calls trying to book meetings and worry about finding partners in ministry. I think about our girls and wonder how they will adjust to life on the road. I worry about how they will behave in the car and in churches. I wonder if in all the busyness of deputation we will miss the lessons God is trying to teach us.
Last night was our first ladies prayer meeting for our ministry in Italy. My good friend Brie volunteered to host a monthly prayer meeting for our ministry at her house. It was such a nice time of fellowship and bonding.

I brought before the ladies my cares, the things that I have listed above, and together we brought them before the throne of grace! I am so thankful for those praying for us! It is a gentle encourager...for me to hear Godly women praying for our ministry (James 5:16). To think that these ladies took a night out of their week to pray for me! Wow! It is ever so humbling...to hear sisters in Christ lifting my family up to our Father!
Last night I was reminded that the only way we can minister on deputation and get to Italy is for God to answer prayers and do a mighty work in our lives. Prayer helps me to recognize how absolutely incapable I am of doing anything without Him and how amazingly powerful and in control He is.
Today I am casting all my care upon Him, because He cares for us!
Sometimes I fail to look unto Jesus and begin to worry. Today I am not worrying.
- Erika